Front of postcard created for Redd's in Rozzie 2012 promotion. Card was given out to guests with the check to promote upcoming events and to help sell pies and provisions for the holidays.

Back of postcard created for Redd's in Rozzie 2012 promotion. Card was given out to guests with the check to promote upcoming events and to help sell pies and provisions for the holidays. Guest were able to RSVP and place holiday orders directly on the card and hand back to their server.

Header image for Provisions post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie Wine Dinner. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Header image for Wine Dinner post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie Beer Dinner. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Header image for Beer Dinner post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Special menu created for Redd's in Rozzie Beer Dinner.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie 2013 NYE Dinner. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Header image for NYE post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Special menu created for Redd's in Rozzie NYE Dinner.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie Valentine's Day Dinner. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Header image for Valentine's Day post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Special menu created for Redd's in Rozzie Valentine's Day Dinner.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie Spring Dinner. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Header image for Spring Dinner post on Redd's in Rozzie event site.

Special menu created for Redd's in Rozzie Spring Dinner.

Poster for Redd's in Rozzie Oktoberfest. Poster was used in-house and in local business to help promote the event.

Special menu created for Redd's in Rozzie Oktoberfest.